Alternative counselling options
Public and community-based mental health support
I operate a private practice, but you have other options! Try these free health and social services across BC, including accessible and immediate mental health support.
Mental health and substance use services
For Children and youth
Children and youth can access free and voluntary community-based mental health supports and services in B.C.
See here for information about public Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) services and intake clinics.
Kids Help Phone operates free and 24/7 telephone counselling, as well as text and online chat support for young people aged 5-25.
Foundry Virtual BC offers free same day or scheduled virtual mental health services for young people aged 12-24 and their caregivers.
211 British Columbia
211 is a free and confidential service that connects people to helpful and vital resources in their community. Dial or text 2-1-1 for information and referrals to a broad range of community, government, and social services—including mental health and substance use supports.
See here for more information.
For those in Prince Rupert, BC
Did you know that you can self-refer, refer someone else, or be referred by a healthcare provider for public mental health and substance use services?
Contact or visit Prince Rupert Community Health for mental health and substance use services.
See here for more information.
Fetch Pacific Northwest has information about health and social service programs for Prince Rupert and surrounding communities.
See here for more information.